Organization employees can sap over half of their workdays with IT administration tasks like answering emails, updating systems, and recovering data. This time depletion can, in turn, back up normal operations for days or weeks. When company leaders need managed services, how do you attract their attention and get business? Consider messaging that highlights both your strengths and the primary drivers that can prompt organization decision-makers to hire you for your managed services.
You have the skills — all the skills
Yes, a degree in computer science is an advantage, but previous hands-on experience is even more important. In fact, current experience is potentially even more valuable than past experience. Organization leaders want someone knowledgeable in today’s hardware, software, telecommunications systems, and apps. You can manage all these tasks yourself — or you can have someone on your payroll provide necessary assistance. In the end, you can deliver concrete answers to potential clients’ questions instead of shoulder shrugs. Highlight your skill set based on your experience: Show your potential customers that you can get the job done through examples, case studies, as well as how-to advice and stories from being in the trenches.
You provide return on investment
Organization decision-makers are reluctant to invest in IT managed services for a primary reason: money. They don’t want to pay for your top-end services even if you provide everything they need. This is where a discussion with prospective clients about return on investment (ROI) is necessary. You need to convince management team members that taking IT administration off of their hands increases their productivity the moment they sign your contract. In turn, they can immediately refocus their efforts on increasing revenue. While it may not happen overnight, the increase in sales turns their decision to implement IT managed services into a worthy investment. Consider framing the cost savings associated with hiring a service versus an employee. After a competitive salary, benefits, bonuses, and more, your managed services are a bargain. Showcase this is in your cost-savings analysis.
You bring them into the 21st century
It’s no secret many company leaders still utilize antiquated technology to run their day-to-day operations. This leaves them at a disadvantage when compared to competitors who keep up with new technological developments. It also leaves them vulnerable to many of today’s security threats. When you provide your services, you have the ability to review clients’ infrastructures and provide cost-effective solutions to meet or exceed their competitions’ IT levels. Again, the ROI in your recommendations gives your clients market advantage, offering more agility and readiness to respond to market needs faster and better. Your services provide a clear, competitive advantage.
You offer improved security
Security breaches result in extensive organization complications. With employee and customer records data compromised in cyberattacks, security is something that should be top of mind at every organization. There’s nothing worse for an organization leader than losing a good portion of data in a crash or having records hacked due to inadequate security setups. In your role, you provide an extra layer of security by offering simple ways to protect clients’ data. Since you keep up with the latest technological news, you can update your clients on new firewalls, virus scanning software, and potential hacker issues. Distributing this information even before a contract is signed helps provide clients with the peace of mind that you understand their circumstances.
Content on your website, in your presentations, and on promotional collateral that addresses your advanced skillset, the ROI of hiring you, and how you can provide a competitive advantage through the use of updated technology and improved security will go a long way in attracting the clients you know will benefit from your services. Now, how do you market to them?
[cta]That’s where I come in. I’m Michael Kearse, and I’ve been helping IT clients attract and develop more business with predictability for over twelve years. Click here for a free case study to learn how to unlock engagement, get attention from your ideal customers, and grow your business faster. [/cta]