Your budget and resources may be a bit tight as you launch your IT company. Among hiring staff, training, and setting up vendor relationships, your marketing funds could be minimal or nonexistent. That’s a problem. You may offer best-of-breed turnkey solutions — but clients aren’t going to ask for your IT services if they can’t find you.
So where do you start? Digital marketing. You can market your role as an IT service provider across websites, blogs, and social media based on your budget — and some time and effort. These are some examples of digital marketing solutions and strategies:
- Pay per click (PPC) — PPC is a variation on advertising in the digital world. Instead of purchasing an ad outright, you pay each time a user clicks or taps on an ad. Your keyword selection may determine where your ad appears in search engine result rankings. One popular PPC model is Google AdWords.
- Video — The 21st century is the visual age. Therefore, video should be a regular part of your digital marketing. Not only is it free to record on your phone or camera but you can also upload videos almost anywhere. You can have videos on your website, YouTube page, and social media profiles. Videos about you and the products you support can increase email click-through rates by 200-300% and search engine results by over 150%. All it takes is a few minutes of video, some editing, and an upload.
Search engine optimization (SEO) — Where PPC is paid advertising, SEO is growing visibility in organic search engine results driven by algorithm processes. SEO encompasses both technical and creative elements for improved rankings and increased visibility. It utilizes keywords and phrases on websites, blogs, and advertisements to boost search rankings. Many books and websites detail this process, but be warned: SEO algorithms change frequently, so the key to SEO is quality content that users can access through a variety of channels and mediums.
- Blogging — Blogging is a great marketing tool that works particularly well in combination with strong SEO phrases. However, a 500-word product placement article isn’t going to attract clients. Think of your blog as the literary version of the conversations you have with potential clients. You want readers to understand your passion for solving their problems, how you’re uniquely qualified to address their challenges, why you do what you do, and how your skill set and services can help ease their organization IT pains. Relaying success stories in these posts can also increase your visibility. The most important part of blogging: Be consistent in your posting schedule.
Regardless of whether your marketing budget is $100 or $100,000, you can increase your visibility, draw customers to you, and grow your business with digital marketing. Don’t wait to implement these solutions. I can show you how to get started minimizing your time and effort while maximizing your return on investment.
[cta]I’ve been helping IT clients attract potential customers and develop more business with predictability for over twelve years. Watch my video case study to learn how to unlock engagement, get attention from your ideal customers, and grow your business faster.[/cta]